Protect Your Fleet Against Fraudulent Claims

Any fleet is likely to visit a number of different areas throughout the working week but what if one of those vehicles is alleged to have damaged another vehicle?


Many of our customers have already been able to stop fraudulent claims by using evidence from our Simplytrak solution. Here’s how.

Accurate route replays and location pinpointing 

Being able to identify the exact position and route a vehicle has taken is an important feature for any feet manager. With the Simplytrak system we offer our customers live turn-by-turn tracking with a minimum of 60 second update. This ensures the route of a driver is recorded on the vehicle tracking system precisely, making it the perfect tool to provide evidence when there are any discrepancies.

Extensive historical playback

Our servers hold a record of all the vehicle’s movement from the moment the units are installed. We also hold an archive of this record securely on our system for a number of years after the tracker is removed, giving peace of mind to our customers. Through the Simplytrak system any historical route can be easily accessed and replayed.

Evidence for fleet managers

Using the analysis from a range of customisable reports within the Simplytrak system, fleet managers can conclusively establish evidence if they believe their vehicle was not at fault in an alleged incident. The range of reports are available to view on screen or can be downloaded in a range of formats and then forwarded to any relevant parties. We are always available to offer our support to customers in this process and will assist swiftly to meet the demands of our customers’ requirements.

To learn more about how vehicle tracking can improve the management and protection of your fleet and drivers, please contact Ian Wood our Business Development Manager at E: or on T: 01430879197.