Fleet Summit 2021

We asked our Business Development Manager Patrick about his experience at his first Fleet Summit!


Written By

Andrew Johnson

July 15th, 2021 10:13 am | United Kingdom

On the 7th and 8th July, Simplytrak attended the 2021 Fleet Summit held at Whittlebury Park, Northampton. Hear from our Business Development Manager Patrick on his first ever Fleet Summit experience.

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Fleet Summit 2021

Written by Andrew Johnson on July 15th, 2021 10:13 am

On the 7th and 8th July, Simplytrak attended the 2021 Fleet Summit held at Whittlebury Park, Northampton. Hear from our Business Development Manager Patrick on his first ever Fleet Summit experience.

Fleet Summit 2021
Hi Patrick! Thanks for agreeing to take part in our blog. We can’t wait to hear about your time at the 2021 Fleet Summit. Would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?

Hi, yes. I’m Patrick Hewitt. Simplytrak’s Business Development Manager. I’ve been with the Simplytrak team since April 2021.

So, tell us! How was your first ever Fleet Summit? Was it as expected?

It was actually better than expected! I had interesting conversations with everybody that visited the stand. You’re able to meet with direct potential customers – who want to do business with you, they’re looking for the solutions Simplytrak have. It was interesting.

The event was also really organised. The team did an amazing job ensuring both exhibitors and those visiting the stand were kept safe. So, well done to those guys!

During your time at the Fleet Summit, did you find the requirements of the fleet industry had changed due to the Pandemic?

Not necessarily. The world is continually evolving and therefore the telematics industry needs to too. The brilliant thing about Simplytrak is that we’re always two steps ahead. Always. Hence SimplySecure.

Ah, Simplytrak’s newest solution. Can you tell us more?

Sure! SimplySecure has been designed with the world’s largest courier operator. It’s the solution the courier industry has been searching for. Designed to prevent vehicle theft, SimplySecure stops the driver ever leaving the keys in the ignition. Whenever the driver’s door is opened with the keys in the ignition, the horn will sound, hazard lights will flash, and the vehicle is instantly immobilised. The vehicle cannot be stolen.

It’s something I would recommend to anybody in the courier industry.

It would be great to know what conversations you had during your time at the summit. Is there anything memorable you can share with us?

I had some really, really good conversations. G45 was particularly interesting. What they were looking for was completely niche. But something Simplytrak can nevertheless deliver. Quite honestly, all the conversations were interesting. I spoke to the likes of John Lewis, East Riding Council, Chichester District Council, Amey…the list goes on.

All were looking for a range of different solutions and features, but I found one of the biggest and unique selling points that Simplytrak were able to offer was our driver training feature on the Simplytrak Scorecard. We were able to show them how to save on their fuel consumption, create safer and better driving environments for their drivers etc. They all seemed to be very interested.

From the conversations had, how do you believe Simplytrak can help the fleet industry?

Trust in Simplytrak! Our solutions come with standard features that are anything but standard. We aren’t here just to track your assets. By partnering with Simplytrak, you’re protecting your future.

Interested in learning more about Simplytrak’s solutions? Download our July 2021 eBook here:

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